The 3 Biggest Mistakes You Can Make with Hotel Marketing Campaigns

As a hotel manager or owner, your ultimate goal is to acquire more bookings. 

However, you need stellar hotel marketing campaigns in order to share your business with the masses and persuade them to book a room. Overall, this means being present on social media, building up positive customer reviews, and doing customer outreach, but sadly, this is where so many hotels falter. 

You don’t want to end up being the hotel that nobody knows or cares about, so to help you stay ahead of the competition, these are the 3 biggest mistakes you can make with hotel marketing campaigns—try your best to avoid them!

1. Having No Strategy for Your Hotel Marketing Campaigns

Obviously, having no strategy for your hotel marketing campaigns is the first mistake you can make as a business owner. 

What does no strategy look like? Well, quite simply, a nonexistent strategy includes…

  • No active accounts on social media for your hotel
  • No marketing materials printed out for guests to take
  • No Google Business page or Facebook business page for your hotel
  • No website for your hotel or a website without content or ways for customers to interact
  • No ad strategy (print or online) that drives traffic and engagement to your hotel

Each one of these areas requires some form of effort in order to generate more hotel bookings. Plus, the more activity that current hotel guests see, the more likely they’ll be to share it with their friends and family—widening your overall reach and building genuine, organic growth. 

Whether it means using your hotel amenities to generate interest or purchasing a photo booth for hotels, you have to create opportunities for guests to get to know your brand. Once they do, you can follow up with them using different hotel marketing campaigns that lead to conversions. 

2. Not Using Hotel Email Marketing

Think of your initial hotel marketing campaign strategy as a way to hook customers in. Then, once you get them invested, you need to entice them with additional content. 

Not using hotel email marketing is, perhaps, the second-most fatal mistake your business can make because it means that you’re letting potential customers slip away without a fight. Primarily, hotel email marketing serves as the best way to keep customers engaged long after they’ve checked out of their room. Through email, you keep people in contact with your brand through special offers, newsletter updates, promotions, major changes, new locations—anything that shows consumers that you’re constantly making improvements and that you care about their potential patronage. 

Ideally, when a customer checks in and out, you should find a way to capture their email address so that you can use their basic contact information for future hotel marketing campaigns. Every guest that stay at your hotel is a potential, repeat customer that requires attention on a regular basis. Of course, you don’t want to inundate them with random messages, but you can build a relationship with them over time that positions you as their hotel of choice on their next trip. 

Keep in mind, hotel email marketing is only half the battle. For quick, seamless interactions, you have to cut right their smartphones. 

3. Not Using Hotel SMS Marketing

Aside from hotel email marketing, the final mistake that a hotel owner can make is to not use hotel SMS marketing to drive their success. 

Studies show that open rates for SMS messages are over 90%. This means that practically everyone you send a text message to will open it and experience the information that you’re sharing to some degree. From a quick update about a special weekend rate on rooms to a chance to win a free night’s stay at a specific location, hotel SMS marketing is a surefire way to get people engaged with your brand. Not to mention, by honing in on hotel SMS marketing, you corner engagement on multiple fronts. 

Through social media activity, email campaigns, and SMS marketing, there’s no way that hotel guests won’t remember your impression. On their next vacation or trip, your hotel marketing campaigns will be the thing they consider before booking a room. 

Improve Your Hotel Marketing Campaigns with BuzzyBooth

Even if you find yourself making these 3 hotel marketing campaign mistakes now, that doesn’t mean you can’t make improvements for the future.

With BuzzyBooth, you can execute all three areas of hotel marketing campaigns with one easy-to-use technology. Click here to request a demo and learn more today! 


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