
Showing posts from May, 2020

Effective Marketing for Dentists: 4 Ways to Work Around COVID-19

Businesses all over the country are reopening in the face of COVID-19, but despite the threat, there are still ways that dentists can work around it.  Effective marketing for dentists means coming up with new solutions to connect with patients and make them feel at ease. With these 4 workarounds, you should have no problem keeping your patients happy and rebuilding your practice’s success.  Here’s what you need to know:  1. Transition to Online Appointment Scheduling To ensure effective marketing for dentists, one of the first things any practice can do is to transition to online appointment scheduling.  Digital transformation is the single most important thing that any business can do to remain competitive throughout COVID-19, and dental practices are no exception. Rather than relying on patients to make phone calls or come in person to schedule appointments, dentists should look for online scheduling platforms that make the process simple.  Some platforms to expl

4 Email Marketing Tips for Restaurants

Since so many people are stuck at home from COVID-19, email marketing for restaurants is a great way to connect with customers. Around the country, some states are beginning to reopen their economies and resume business as usual, but that doesn’t mean customers are going to be chomping at the bit to go out. There will be a long-time stigma throughout society that restaurants should try to alleviate due to the pandemic, and through email marketing services for restaurants, you can begin to engage with your customers and earn their trust for the future.  And if you’re completely new to email marketing, don’t worry! These 4 email marketing tips for restaurants will help you rebuild your success:  1. Welcome Your New and Old Customers Whether you use new contacts that have just signed up for your emails or you want to target older email contacts, make sure to welcome them with a positive message.  Your welcome email should serve as an initial point of contact that set

How COVID-19 Should Change Your Hotel Marketing Strategy

Whether you’re trying to revamp you r hotel marketing strategy o r you’re wondering how to market a new hotel , COVID-19 requires you to take stock of certain guidelines.   The hotel industry has been changed forever. With social distancing measures becoming commonplace and society valuing the importance of new health standards, the only way for hotels to survive is to adapt. In terms of physical location, there’s not much hotel owners can do, but the real impact comes with hotel marketing and the way you build trust with customers.  If you’re struggling to navigate COVID-19 and how to build success, here’s how the pandemic should change your hotel marketing strategy : Focus On Your Reputation One of the biggest challenges that all businesses are facing right now is how they handle their brand reputation.  Since COVID-19 struck, businesses a part of all industries have been struggling with how they respond to the disaster. Rather than trying to rally for sales an

What Do Effective Marketing Strategies for Restaurants Look Like During COVID-19?

With parts of America beginning to reopen despite the lingering COVID-19 pandemic, restaurants are searching for ways to drum up business and recoup their losses.  To achieve this, along with undergoing a major shift in digital transformation , the next best avenue for success lies in effective marketing strategies to regain customer loyalty. After all, many customers are skeptical about the safety of dining out with COVID-19 as a potential threat. However, if restaurant owners can implement the right approach, rebuilding the business and winning customers back is entirely possible.  To help give you an idea of what needs to happen, here’s what effective marketing strategies for restaurants look like during COVID-19:  Get Active on Social Media All effective marketing strategies for restaurants should include social media, but now more than ever, get active on a variety of platforms to connect with customers and share your story.  For example, using Instagram, you