Social Media Content for Dentists During COVID-19

With the nation facing stay-at-home orders and lockdowns for the next few weeks, now’s the perfect time to start creating social media content for dentists that patients can interact with.

Through social media platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, you can easily generate informational and helpful posts that not only get people involved with your brand but most of all, it keeps you on their radar for when the smoke clears. COVID-19 has certainly put a damper on industries around the world, but despite the outbreak, social media content for dentists is your ticket to keep things afloat. 

Here’s what you can do to connect with patients and keep the success rolling—even if you’re not booking as many appointments. 

Start Building Social Media Content for Dentists

First off, now is the perfect time to start building social media content for dentists if you haven’t already. 

This means taking the time to embark on a digital transformation and start creating social media profiles on various platforms. As mentioned before, there are top platforms that earn stellar engagement among users, but if you’re new to social media, it’s best to start with the big 3:

  • Instagram (for posting photos and short-form videos)
  • Twitter (for posting short captions and having conversations with followers)
  • Facebook (for maintaining your business and sharing photos and videos)

Having a presence on these 3 platforms is huge because they make up the majority of where followers congregate to. And you don’t have to create anything fancy. Overall, as long as you post relevant, engaging content on a daily basis, even a weekly basis, that informs consumers that you’re open to connecting and are available for them to interact with at all times. Potential patients love accessibility and learning about your brand, so give them every opportunity on social media to do so. 

Creating Social Media Content for Dentists During COVID-19

So now that you’ve made profiles—or if you’ve already been maintaining social media profiles—it’s time to talk about creating social media content for dentists during the COVID-19 crisis.

More than anything, tons of people are sitting at home, so anything you share has a good chance to be seen and listened to. That said, you can curate content specifically for patients and their families while positioning yourself as a trusted source of information. After all, people still need to brush their teeth while quarantined at home, so don’t be afraid to reiterate the message. 

To help spark your creativity with social media content for dentists, here are some ideas you can try out: 

  • Post daily dental tips that patients can follow, like reminders to brush and floss
  • Create content for parents and kids, like silly posts about the Tooth Fairy or at-home dental care tips since kids are most likely home from school
  • Host Q&A session on Twitter for patients to reach out to you with any problems or questions they may have about their oral health
  • Post videos on Facebook and YouTube about proper oral care techniques or other useful tips that can educate viewers and offer them value
  • Start a TikTok profile and share silly videos of you and your staff around the office—show patients that you have a fun, engaging side, too!

The point is to simply create social media content for dentists that patients can view at all times. When people see your brand every day, your practice will be the first one they think about when they need to see someone. Of course, good service and excellent dental reviews also help, but nothing beats authentic connection that’s consistent and reliable. 

Build Social Media Content for Dentists with BuzzyBooth

There are plenty of ways you can build social media content for dentists on your own, but if you need a little help, BuzzyBooth has got you covered. 

With a photo booth for dentists that captures user-generated content for you, you can rest assured that you have tons of valuable data ready to deploy at all times. Click here to request a demo to learn more about what BuzzyBooth can do for your practice. 


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