The Top 8 Restaurant Marketing Strategies



Restaurants are one of the most-rewarding, yet difficult businesses to maintain and market. With the right strategies, any restaurant could flourish.

  1. Word of Mouth

Tell your friends, family, and neighbors to visit your restaurant. The more people know about it, the more people they’ll tell about it. This is the simplest and most effective marketing strategy.

  1. Use Referrals

Everyone loves free stuff or discounts. Text message marketing for restaurants lets them send texts to guests suggesting they refer a friend for some sort of price. If the restaurant has a buzzy booth photo booth, it will do it automatically.

  1. Ask for Reviews

Reviews are a great indicator of where one should go to eat. Having a plethora of reviews will help people see why they should visit your restaurant. The Buzzy booth photo booth also allows restaurant marketers to scroll through reviews from text message marketing and share the ones they like.

  1. Change up the Menu

Big promotions will bring customers in! Change up the menu to entice guests to come for a second, third, or fourth visit. They can be contacted by text message marketing about a change in menu if they used the Buzzy Booth photobooth.

  1. Utilize Social Media

Social media is major in this day and age. Post pictures, videos, and more to all sorts of social media accounts! This is a great restaurant email marketing strategy. Restaurants with the Buzzy Booth photobooth can share the pictures from the photobooth directly to social media.

Another fun aspect of this are guest pictures. Customers can share their photos to social media, too. The logo from the restaurant will be on the pictures. Hello free marketing!

  1. Host Events

Host big events like a trivia night or live music to bring more people in. Anything that will encourage guests to get a few drinks with their meal is best.

  1. Kids Eat Free

Have a “Kids Eat Free” day! This will bring out all those families who hate having to buy meals for every single person. If the kids eat free, they’ll likely spend more money on themselves!

  1. Have a Mobile-Friendly Site

Stay active online with a website. This will draw guests in if they are considering your place. Here they can look at pictures and read reviews, all of which can come from Buzzy Booth.

These restaurant marketing strategies will bring the best of the best out for dinner at your restaurant. You’ll see a boom in sales and lots of new faces when you implement these strategies.


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