Effective Hotel Marketing with BuzzyBooth

I think everyone can agree that they would like to go on a long, luxurious vacation right about now. It’d be nice to escape the horrors of 2020 (and 2021 for that matter) and spend the weekend at a fancy hotel. But which hotel is best? When people search for a hotel to stay at, they look for the one that has the best reviews for the best price. Vacationers want their hotel to add to their relaxation and not add stress. That means hotels need to focus on one major thing; hotel marketing strategy . Hotel owners should know how to market a new hotel. With competition such as Hilton and the Marriott, every hotel needs something that is going to help them stand out. For your hotel, this will be the Buzzy Booth selfie kiosk. Now, no one is daft to think a simple selfie kiosk will bring in more guests. However, the marketing strategies incorporated into the photo booth will. For instance, the Buzzy Booth photo booth is perfect for email marketing for Hotels. When guests take photos, the...